About Us

HVAC Services

Having been in the HVAC industry for such a long time, we have experienced different cases when it comes to installations and repairs. Between us, we have sufficient experience and expertise to give you an entire system overhaul. We take time to listen and document your needs before embarking on the installation and repair processes.

Royal Palm Beach Air Conditioning is a reputable company offering top of the range heating, ventilation and air conditioning services within Royal Palm Beach village and the surrounding areas. Our team of professionals guarantees you that not only will they fix the current issue, but also put to a stop any future HVAC problems through our detailed maintenance program.

We respect our customers’ premises because they are one of the most important investments they have. Before sending our team to you, we first of all call you to ensure you are comfortable and your schedule allows us to work within your premises. So that we don’t surprise you with unnecessary cost additions at the end of the project, we usually give you an upfront and honest estimate after inspecting and analyzing the magnitude of the task ahead.

Customer Service Policy

Our customers are the reason we are in business and as such we value their input. Our priority is to see their problems solved in the most amicable manner. From time to time, we ask for feedback from them concerning the nature of our service delivery so that we can be able to improve on our services in the areas highlighted.

Service Guarantee

At Royal Palm Beach Air Conditioning, we don’t double guess in our installation and repair services. We ensure that you are satisfied before sending out our bill to you. We acknowledge that the parts we use during repairs are from our trusted manufacturers and hence carry different warranties. In the event of a problem either due to our workmanship or the parts we have installed, we undertake to redo the job and rectify whatever issue it is at no cost to you.

Qualified Personnel

We may have the best machines and work environment, but without our people, nothing can move. At Royal Palm Beach Air Conditioning, we have made it a policy to retrain our personnel periodically in order to bring them up to speed with changes happening in the industry. We give our technicians both the technical knowledge as well as the soft skills to enable them handle our customers in the most befitting manner.

Brand Partnership

At Royal Palm Beach Air Conditioning, we value quality and this is why we have made every effort possible to strike beneficial partnership deals with reputable brands in the industry. This guarantees our customers quality products at competitive prices as well as warranty benefits.

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